Electric Vehicles

Pay Only 20% of Your Electric Bill

Did you know that the utility company will pay you to become more energy efficient? Did you know that the government, state and national, will give you thousands of dollars to go green? Yes, the utility company and the government will help you lower your current utility expense when you change from the grid to solar electricity.

The U.S. Department of Energy will give you a 30% tax credit when you install a solar energy system in your existing home or new construction. By upgrading your home installation, windows, doors, roofing, heating,air-conditioning or water heater, you will qualify
for a 30% Federal Tax Credit on the cost. You will also get a tax credit on the purchase of a hybrid-electric, diesel, fuel cell, or plug-in electric vehicles. Before I discovered the government tax
credits and the energy saving benefits, my life was extremely stressful being the only income earner for a family of five.

I was once paying $340 and up a month on average before I started doing research on how to lower my energy bills. During the winter and summer months, my utility expense was sometimes more than my mortgage. I was feeling the pain at the gas pump as well. Sometimes I
felt like moving into an apartment and just giving away my piece of the American dream. 40% of my paycheck went towards utility! Can you imagine that?

Well, all of that ended 8 months ago. What Idiscovered about the renewable energy program and living green changed my life completely and has given me a peace of mind. I now pay only $23 a month to the
utility. I put together my solar system. I put the panels together and got a tax credits as well. At first I was a little intimidated with the thought of putting get my solar system. But once I got started putting the panels together, it was very simple and no problem. The government paid for it. I just followed the step by step guide in Run Your Home For Free. I really encourage everyone to get off the grid and to solar.

To find out more about how you can benefit too and save thousands of dollars, just click here and you can have the same success.

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